10-22-13 - Good and Sorry

We can see two models of righteousness in this week’s story: one based on doing the right things, the other based on repenting for doing the wrong things. Jesus clearly stands with the second, suggesting that the way into the Life of God is through clear-eyed humility, not legalistic moral rigor. This message was so radical, we might say it got him killed. It is still radical, and often ignored most by those who call themselves his followers.

Legalism is often easier than humility. We humans tend to like success better than failure, rules better than ambiguity. To be honest about the ways we mess up “in thought, word and deed” is much tougher than pushing those realities away and counting up all the rules we’ve managed to keep. The Pharisee in Jesus’ parable extolls his good works, his fasting and tithing – and the fact that he is not a thief, rogue, adulterer or extortioner. Hey, those are easy sins to peg. Jesus goes deeper, suggesting that, in his pride and contempt for those weaker than himself, the Pharisee is actually less righteous than the low-life tax collector.

Of course, it’s not either/or. Good works and repentance are both integral to being a follower of Christ. The question is, what comes first? A focus on “keeping the rules” puts the emphasis on our action, not God’s. It often leads to anxiety and pride.

If we start from repentance, though, the action is with God, whose grace and forgiveness we need. And as we receive God’s grace in gratitude, we often respond with greater compassion for those around us. I would say repentance often leads to good works, but good works rarely lead to repentance.

Are you ready for a little inventory today? Make two columns. On one write everything you think makes you a “good person.” On the other, everything you feel ashamed of or insecure about. Can you live with knowing both columns tell a truth about you? Not the whole truth, but truth?

How about offering God the “sin” column, trusting that God’s forgiveness was there before you even confessed. Can you receive it? Pray for the power of love in you to move you out of some of those habits of the heart and mind.

Now, the “good works” column – take a good look. Do you do all those things from your heart, or because you think you’re “supposed to?” What would you take out of that list if you followed your heart? (I admit, I'm afraid to do this exercise!)

We can choose to be self-righteous, or self-aware – but generally not at the same time. Seeing ourselves clearly makes it a little difficult to be self-righteous. And why work that hard anyway, when God’s giving it away for free?

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