4-6-15 - He is Risen! Me? Not so much...

He is risen! The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia!

Man, am I exhausted after the many services and activities of Holy Week and Easter!

"How tired are you, Kate?"

"I am so tired, I forgot to post a Water Daily saying I was too tired to post a Water Daily."

But here it is:

A man was very, very dead, and very, very buried.
And then he showed up, resurrected, very much alive, though not in quite the same way as he had been alive before he died.

What more need we say?

If you want to ponder, imagine what Jesus' followers woke up feeling that Monday morning. Joy? Terror?

 All of the above? (here is the Easter Gospel...)
Back tomorrow with news from the Upper Room.

He is risen! The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia!

Here's a news story on our Great Vigil of Easter at Christ the Healer...

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