3-5-19 - Hunger

(You can listen to this reflection here. Sunday's gospel reading is here.)

I’m not big on fasting. I don’t like deprivation, even if it is my choice. And I never knew many people who fasted regularly until I got to know more Muslims. I am astonished at how many of my Muslim friends fast during Ramadan, even those who are not particularly observant or active the rest of the year. For thirty days, from sun-up to sundown, they refrain from eating, drinking (even water), sexual relations, gossiping. They are more attentive to prayer and hospitality and charity and the needs of people around them.

The fast Jesus took on during his forty days in the wilderness was even more stringent. We are told his fast was total, 24/7, as he prayed and did spiritual battle with the devil:

He ate nothing at all during those days, and when they were over, he was famished. The devil said to him, “If you are the Son of God, command this stone to become a loaf of bread.” Jesus answered him, “It is written, ‘One does not live by bread alone.’”

Why did Jesus refrain from eating? People who fast regularly find it focuses them spiritually. Yes, the hunger can be distracting, but after awhile it tends to fade and one becomes more aware of what’s happening inside. Those who fast for spiritual reasons find they become more attuned to what God is saying or doing as their focus on satisfying their appetites recedes to the background.

After forty days, though, Jesus is ravenous, and this is when the devil tries to tempt him to misuse his spiritual power to create food for himself. He approaches when he thinks Jesus is vulnerable, and starts by tempting Jesus to doubt his identity as Son of God. “If you are…”

The Tempter hasn’t changed his tactics. He still approaches us in those areas where we feel depleted or deprived, where we’re vulnerable to scarcity-thinking, where we can more easily be convinced that we deserve what we want. After all, isn't God the source of abundance and blessing? Doesn’t God want us to be fed, even full?

Yes - and that is exactly what we need to remember in those times when we’re tempted to take what has not been given us, or to manipulate others to give us what we want. It is God who gives in abundance, and we don't need to look elsewhere.

We don’t have to stay hungry, but perhaps we should wait until we’re sure we are looking to God for blessing. Choosing to be hungry can be the best way to remind ourselves where our daily bread comes from. (Now go and enjoy a good pig-out at your Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper tonight!)

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