8-26-19 - A Place At the Table

(You can listen to this reflection here. Sunday's gospel reading is here.)

I have seating issues, “place at the table” issues. If you invite me to a meeting, make sure there’s only one circle of chairs or a big-enough table. And if you invite me to a wedding, please don’t seat me in outer darkness at the edge of the room, at a table of strangers. There might be weeping and gnashing of teeth – from me.

Guess Jesus might have a thing or two to say to me, as he did to those Pharisees studying his table manners so closely. He turns the tables on them: “If you’re invited to a wedding, go sit at the place furthest away from the action, where you feel the least honored. Then you might get upgraded, maybe to a table with the bride or groom’s family. But if you pick out that better seat…look out. You might be asked to move. “For all who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”

Pecking orders. Jockeying for position. Honors. Credentials. Where is your office and how many windows does it have? With whom are we on a first-name or peck on the cheek basis? Why do we so often let external things and people tell us what we’re worth? Perhaps you don’t – but I can put far too much weight on affirmation and indications of status.

Worrying where we sit or whether we’re acknowledged as important is human, at least to humans who feel some insecurity about their place in the world. But if you’re already royalty, do you need a place card to tell you so? As part of Jesus’ family, we are royalty – sisters and brothers of the King. How might it feel to move through today with that knowledge? How might you walk differently, look at people differently, talk to people differently, use your gifts differently, if you remember your true status as an heir to the Kingdom of God, a beloved son and daughter of the Creator? A princess in disguise, a prince under wraps?

If royalty, is not your thing, pick a status that resonates with you – a brilliant athlete, entertainer, author, elected official. Or maybe you don’t have to pretend to be anyone other than YOU, an utterly unique, gifted and wonderful child of God growing into the fullness of the stature of Christ.

Today, list the things that make you feel insecure about yourself. 
If there are people in your life who make you feel insecure, list them too.
Then list the things that make you feel proud about yourself, the things you wish everyone knew. 
If there are people in your life who make you feel more secure, list them too.

Now – pray over all four lists. 
Pray for the people who make you feel less than yourself, that they would be blessed. 
Same for the people who make you feel great about yourself - you might thank them.
Pray about the things in you that make you doubt your status as God’s unique and wonderful child. 
Give thanks for the things you’re proud of – and invite God to keep working in you.

And then spend some time exalting God – a fancy word for praise. Know that God delights in you – when we rest in that, we’re sitting pretty no matter where we are.

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