How do you feel about being likened to an infant?
At that time Jesus said, “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and the intelligent and have revealed them to infants.”
Some might consider it an insult. We might rather receive it as an invitation to total trust in God. Infants are receiving machines - they do not feed, clothe or even move themselves. The only thing they can “do” is ask for help by using their voices – and reward their helpers with big smiles, which they quickly learn will get them far. The most challenging part of faith-life for many is our dependence upon the grace and mercy and power of God for what matters most in the long-term. Learning to receive God’s goodness and not worry so much about repaying – for we cannot – is a mark of maturity in faith.
Infants are fully in relationship with their care-givers. They are clear about their needs and quick to ask. We can learn from them to go first to God when we need something instead of making it our last resort. And, like those babies who reward us with gurgles and smiles, we can hone our praise response so that it becomes automatic when we’ve received a gift.
Of course, infants are anything but simple. In their tiny minds and bodies are contained all the equipment and systems adults have, just waiting to mature. Similarly, whether we are young or mature in faith, we have everything we need to live a God-reliant, praise-filled life. It is all given to us by the Holy Spirit in baptism, maybe even in birth, waiting to be developed.
What are some attributes of infants that you would like to borrow and try on as you approach God?
What things can you not do for yourself, that you are afraid to trust God with? Or eager to?
Today in prayer try an imagination exercise – visualize yourself as an infant being held or watched over by Jesus… how does he interact with you in that imaginary prayer space? Does he say anything? Do you? What do you feel?
Infants have a huge learning curve, because they have everything about life to learn. As Christ followers, we are in a similar position – we have everything about Life to learn. Let’s open our spiritual senses and breathe it in.