7-11-14 - Good Soil

One of the wonderful things about Jesus’ parables, is that they can have multiple, layered meanings. Yes, in this one Jesus says, “this means that, and that means this,” but that doesn’t mean we can’t still find new ways of seeing and understanding the mystery of God-Life in these deceptively simple tales.

So it is with the fourth fate Jesus lays out of the seeds the Sower scattered: 

“Other seeds fell on good soil and brought forth grain, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. 
Let anyone with ears listen!”

What is good soil for a Good News seed to fall into?

I would say it is soil with a certain depth so that roots have room to expand and take hold. Soil that is not too dry, nor too wet – meaning rational, but with some capacity for mystery and wonder. Soil that has been turned and aerated, always learning and wondering, alone and with others.
(I’m sure there’s a place for worms and grubs in this metaphor, but let's skip that….)

In the spirit of multiple and multi-layered meanings, I would also say we are not only in the good soil, we are called to be the good soil in which other seeds can grow into fruitfulness. Let’s take a look at our congregations from the perspective of being good soil… what might we change or develop in order to be better soil?

How might we help transplant people we know into better spiritual soil so they can grow and thrive and bear good fruit in abundance?

So often Jesus talks about how we are made for fruitfulness, as he does again here. Seed that falls into good soil will bring forth fruit and multiply. Notice some multiply more than others – there is no competition. The point is to be a fruit-bearing seed, rooted in the good soil of God’s love, watered with the power of the Holy Spirit.

That’s a pretty good image to rest with in the summertime. Happy growing!

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