11-30-18 - Waiting With Elizabeth

Today we'll turn from Sunday's gospel to hear from one of those whom God chose to reveal the mystery of Incarnation, Elizabeth, the aged mother of John the Baptist. (You can listen to this reflection here. The gospel story is here.)

Now that he’s here, my little John, it’s hard to remember a time when he wasn’t. All those years of yearning, the shame and disgrace at my infertility, the envy I felt toward all the mothers around me who took their children for granted… that all faded like steam from a kettle when Zechariah returned from Jerusalem, mute and full of news he couldn’t tell me, and I became pregnant.

When I asked him what had happened in the temple, he wrote it out for me: “An angel appeared to me and told me that my prayer has been heard. He said you would bear me a son, and we will name him John.” It didn’t occur to me to take this literally! I was sure an angel had appeared to my husband, and that the muteness meant something, but I thought it was some spiritual message for us. It wasn’t until a few months on, as I realized something was going on inside my body, that it dawned on me that this was true!

And then, in my sixth month, Mary came to see me so unexpectedly – I remember that like it was yesterday. They told me my cousin was here, and I came out to the hall – and everything went white for a few seconds. The baby inside me went nuts – it felt like he was trying to do back-flips. “Mary is holding the Son of God in her womb, inside her.” That was as clear as day to me, even before she told me about the angel and everything. I didn’t even think about how strange and impossible that could be, that God would somehow be there, inside a woman’s body, but I was filled with this knowledge. Nothing seemed impossible to me anymore. I knew my child would have an important mission, but her child... he is our salvation.

Feeling filled with the Holy Spirit, I said, very loudly – I’m pretty soft-spoken most of the time – “Blessed are you among women! And blessed is the child you will bear. But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” Because I felt so humbled and so privileged, like I was in the presence of something very sacred, very… holy. I told her how the baby inside me leapt for joy at the sound of her voice – like he knew.

I said, “Blessed is she who believes that what the Lord said to her will actually be accomplished. What faith!” How is it we could believe these strange things, both of us? Why is it Mary could believe what the angel said, and my husband couldn’t? But then, did I believe all those years, when I felt God was withholding blessing from me, that God did have a plan for me, that God did love me?

I don’t think God wants us to have no expectations. I think God wants us always to expect his blessing, and to be open to what that looks like. I had to learn a new way to wait on the Lord. Only when I had given up on what I wanted was I free to receive God’s greatest gift to me. Only when I stopped expecting a child did I find myself … expecting.

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11-29-18 - Standing Before God

(You can listen to this reflection here.)

Jesus certainly paints a frightening picture of the end times in the portion of Luke’s gospel we hear next Sunday. Perhaps his mood was colored by what was coming next for him – betrayal, arrest, trial, torture and execution, experiencing the full range of human capacity for cruelty. But the apocalypse he foretells is one all of his followers would face. Whether that prophecy was realized in persecutions wrought by the Romans, or whether it is a cosmic cataclysm still to come, he urged them to stay alert and prayerful:

"Be alert at all times, praying that you may have the strength to escape all these things that will take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.”

The end of the world has come many a time upon people and families and communities and nations. It comes in natural disasters and in man-made horrors like war and famine. The Syrian people have been enduring it for far too long. Is there a final “end” for which we are to be ready at all times?

The early Christians thought so. They took Jesus’ words at face value and thought his return would be imminent. This assumption led some to religious rigor, and others to licentiousness – if the world is going to end any minute, why bother with rules? As weeks turned to years and to decades, people realized they needed to focus on living in the now, releasing the power and joy that are our inheritance as beloved of God. So Paul, writing to the church in Thessalonika (in a passage we'll hear for this Sunday), says:

"May the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all, just as we abound in love for you. And may he so strengthen your hearts in holiness that you may be blameless before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all his saints."

This is another way to prepare ourselves to “stand before the Son of Man” – to learn to love more wholly, to train our hearts in the ways of holiness, to practice repentance and forgiveness, and excel at showing love and hospitality when it is challenging to do so.

We don’t have to wait for the end of the world to stand before Jesus, though one day, we’re told, this present reality will end and we will face him as judge. If we turn our hearts toward that relationship in the here and now, the “then and later” will become something to anticipate, not to fear, no matter how traumatically it occurs.

Practice in your prayer today – stand before Jesus and say, “Make me ready. Make me ready for your life in and around me.” I believe he will answer that prayer in amazing and wondrous ways.

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11-28-18 - En Garde!

(You can listen to this reflection here. Sunday's gospel reading is here.)

En garde! That’s about all I know of the sport – or is it the art? – of fencing. But it’s what I think of when I read Jesus’ warning to his disciples:
“Be on guard so that your hearts are not weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of this life, and that day does not catch you unexpectedly, like a trap.”

If ever there were an apt warning for the season of Yuletide stress and indulgence, this is it. Don’t be caught unawares… the cards need writing, the cookies need baking, the gifts need buying, not to mention all the normal responsibilities… And yet, here is Jesus: “Do not let your hearts be weighed down by dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of this life.”

This is an instruction for life, not just for a Wednesday in November. It invites us to live in a state of preparedness such as we might develop during times of crisis, but without the terror. How might we cultivate a state of "en garde-ed-ness" without kicking up those nasty, free-radical stress chemicals? How can we be at peace, serene, and also alert?

Maybe the stylized movements of fencing have something to teach us. “En garde” is the instruction given when two players face off; it begins the match (bout? I’ve already spent more time on fencing terms than I intended.) The phrase invites the combatants to assume a defensive posture, yet one that distributes their balance in such a way that they can thrust and parry, light on their feet.

As followers of Christ, we are to be alert and on our guard against the temptations sent our way by the enemy and the trials that test our faith. Yet we are to hold that defense lightly, remembering that it is Christ who fights for us, with us. Our posture of readiness allows us to yield to God’s power coming through us.

Balance implies an equilibrium between rest and movement, thought and action, receiving and giving. What if we made it our spiritual goal this Advent to find this balance, to be on guard but without fear, ready at all times to fight for justice and faithfulness with love and mercy, wielding the “epee d’Esprit,” the sword of the Spirit, in the name of peace?

When do you feel most relaxed? Think about how you might cultivate that feeling more of the time, even during stress. How better to prepare for the advent of the Prince of Peace.

If you’re stressed out today, try it now. En garde!
Now relax and stand in balance on both feet.

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11-27-18 - Reading the Leaves

(You can listen to this reflection here. Sunday's gospel reading is here.)

Living in a four-season climate offers ever-unfolding lessons in cycles of life, birth and death, faith and resurrection. As fall wanes and trees shed the last of their leaves, we learn about letting things drop, letting things die. When winter comes, and the barren landscape hides all the life teeming below ground, we are reminded that there is more than meets the eye. And when things thaw in springtime, that life becomes manifest above the surface, “first the blade, then the ear and then, in time, the full corn.” (Mark 4:28), teaching us yet again about the indomitability of growth.

Jesus was also a student of the seasons: Then he told them a parable: “Look at the fig tree and all the trees; as soon as they sprout leaves you can see for yourselves and know that summer is already near. So also, when you see these things taking place, you know that the kingdom of God is near.”

The “things” Jesus’ followers were to watch for were astral signs, turbulence in the seas, and human distress. Hmmm… there is pretty much always something to see if you’re looking in those places. And we can always find in such things harbingers of an unfolding cataclysm. Famines, floods, earthquakes, terrorists… aren’t we really in for it now? Maybe – but I always like to remember that things looked a lot worse in the 14th century.

What if we looked for more subtle signs that the realm of God is near? Outbreaks of generosity, life-affirming discourse, spiritual revivals, an increase in the numbers of people worldwide claiming the name of Christ and living in continuity with his life and the values of that kingdom he proclaimed? Now there’s a sign I’d love to see.

I’ve always been puzzled by this passage, because Jesus had already proclaimed that the kingdom of God had drawn near, was in fact made real and present in himself. His miracles were simply demonstrations of that kingdom life, and his stories and teachings explanations of kingdom values. Sure, there will be a cosmic ending, but if we spend our time reading the leaves for when that is coming, we will miss all the signs of God-Life around us now. It might even distract us from our call to be signs of God-Life for other people.

Advent invites us to be watchful and aware, to seek the Christ who came, who is present with us now through his Holy Spirit, who will come again at the end of the ages. Let’s not be so busy looking for signs we miss Jesus right in front of us.

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11-26-18 - Climate Change

(You can listen to this reflection here. Sunday's gospel reading is here.)

We’re talking about the end of the world; it must be Advent. And the end of the world, Jesus suggests, will not sneak up on us: “There will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars, and on the earth distress among nations confused by the roaring of the sea and the waves. People will faint from fear and foreboding of what is coming upon the world, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken."

Nations confused by the roaring of the sea and the waves; sounds like the latest warnings from environmental scientists and most world leaders. Those who track the melting of our ice caps and rising of our seas, the increasing ferocity of storms and fragility of food production, also sound the alarm about the conflicts the resultant scarcity will unleash among humans. What are we doing to each other, and to the planet we call home, with its wondrous diversity of creatures and abundant food supply?

Will the end of this world, when it comes, be man-made or God-ordained? Are we to work to preserve God’s creation or hasten its implosion? I’m betting on the former. I don’t believe God invites us to destroy the earth she created, but to reveal his realm in the here and now, bringing about a just and merciful creation built on the promises of God. In that sense, we are all to be about the business of climate change. And by that I mean much more than environmental ministry.

Those of us who follow Jesus as Lord are commanded to foster a climate of godliness, humility, generosity, justice-seeking, peace-making, love-giving. Not only are we to live this way – we are to create a climate in which others can experience transformation and live this way too. That is the pattern we see in the community of sinner-saints who surrounded Jesus, and later among his apostles.

What marks the emotional climate in your community? On your social media feeds? In your local media? Is it a climate of suspicion and division, or honest inquiry and supportive assistance? Is it a climate of violence in word and deed, or of generous debate? Does it celebrate death or nurture life?

And then this: how are you being called to change that climate? Where does God want you to show up? What does God want you to say? Who does God want you to love, to challenge, to break down, to build up?

We are responsible for the climates in which we live, in more ways than one. I pray we can truly be climate changers in the best sense, creators of emotional, political and spiritual climates in which children can thrive and all who are wounded can be loved back into wholeness. Even our beloved planet Earth. Even us.

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11-23-18 - Truth To Belong To

(You can listen to this reflection here. Sunday's gospel reading is here.)

It is a surreal scene, this genial interrogation by the governor of an occupied territory of an itinerant holy man with no visible support – whose life hangs on the outcome of this interview. These two do a conversational dance, Jesus never answering a question directly, making no effort to defend himself or suggest a scenario in which his life might be spared. When asked directly, “So you are a king?,” Jesus only says, “That’s what you say,” and that his purpose in being born was to testify to the truth.

And then he says enigmatically, “Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.”

This is an odd way to put it – we don’t think of "belonging to the truth,” so much as having the truth, possessing the truth, grasping the truth, denying the truth. Jesus suggests that the Truth is much bigger than we are; we can no more possess it than we can contain the ocean or corral the stars in the sky.

This truth that encompasses us, Jesus suggests, is an objective reality – which prompts Pilate to pose his famously early post-modern question, “What is truth?” I don’t think that’s a question on many people’s lips these days. There is your truth, my truth, the media’s truth, doctored distortions of history masquerading as truth. In the age of “truthiness” and “fake news,” how can anyone know the truth, much less get lost in its vastness?

Those who follow Christ are given a clue – he said he was the Truth, the Way, the Life. Coming to know Jesus as he was, and is, and is to come is one way we enter into the Truth. The time we invest in growing our relationship with this Lord who calls us friend brings us deeper and deeper into the ultimate reality of things – the Truth.

And he offered another clue: “Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.” I see many who claim to follow Christ responding out of deeply human emotions these days, showing little evidence that they are listening to the Prince of Peace who commanded us to love our neighbors, to tend the wounds of those considered outcast, to lead with humility and not with combative fear and rage.

How do we listen to Jesus’ voice? We study his word. We listen for him in our interior prayer. We follow his commands and teachings. We engage other followers of Christ. We pay attention to where his Spirit is bringing life to dead places around us, and join him there.

As we listen, we will hear, and we will know the truth, and the Truth will set us free.

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11-22-18 - Testifying to the Truth

(You can listen to this reflection here. Sunday's gospel reading is here.)

It is human nature to categorize people, try to put them into a definable box and label them. Pilate was trying to get a handle on who Jesus is, and asked him, 
“So you are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. For this I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth.”

I wish it could be said of more kings that they were born to testify to the truth. Leaders like that are more often exception than rule. And perhaps testifying to the truth is incompatible with the demands of political power. I don’t mean that political leaders have to be liars (though many are…), but they need to live in a strategic relationship with the truth, speaking the right things to the right people at the right times, and knowing when not to speak at all.

And what is the truth to which Jesus testified? The truth about God: that power belongs to God.
The truth about justice: that God alone is qualified to judge the human heart. The truth about love: that God operates in an economy of love, a love so deep and vast it can be dangerous to the human spirit. As Miroslav Volf puts it, this God who is Love is compelled to love, cannot but love, even the worst in us, with a love that has the power to transform that which it loves into its best.

Those who follow Christ are also born to testify to the truth – and in our tradition, the Truth is personal, the Truth is Jesus. In these days, many who claim to follow Christ are allowing fear and bigotry to draw them away from the very clear teachings of Jesus, from faith in the goodness of our God. Shutting our doors to refugees fleeing for their lives is never a valid choice for Christians, not if we’re serious about Jesus. Closing our hearts to those who look, think, act, love, vote, and live differently than we do is never a valid choice for Christians. We don't have to agree or always condone, but we are not entitled to condemn or close our hearts. If ever there was a time to testify to this truth in our national discourse, it is now.

Jesus could not have been a political leader; his allegiance to the truth made him too threatening to the powers that be. We need to stand up to our political leaders when they turn their back on the truth, and stand with those who have the courage to speak for justice. We need to be bearers of this dangerous love of God – maybe because it is inevitably diluted in us, and therefore tolerable for mere humans.

On this national day of giving thanks, and every day, let us be bearers of Christ's truth. Let us be bearers of Christ, bearing witness to overwhelming Love.

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11-21-18 - E.T., Phone Home

(You can listen to this reflection here. Sunday's gospel is here.)

A persistent allegory of the Christ story compares it to aliens coming to this planet. Artists as disparate as C.S. Lewis and Steven Spielberg have explored the Incarnation through science fiction. It is not a stretch to regard Jesus the Christ as an alien life form, masquerading as a human being. In a way, he even invited it. Replying to Pilate’s question, “What have you done?,"

Jesus answered, ‘My kingdom is not from this world. If my kingdom were from this world, my followers would be fighting to keep me from being handed over to the Jewish authorities. But as it is, my kingdom is not from here.’

Of course, orthodox Christian doctrine teaches that Jesus was not an alien; he was fully human even as he was fully God, not pretending to be either. But time and again he spoke of the realm of God as a place distinct from the realm of this world – contiguous with it, even infusing it, but a different address entirely. And the values of that realm, as he taught and demonstrated them in what looked like miracles – but in fact just revealed how the energy of that realm works, even within this one – are quite distinct from purely human patterns of thinking and being. Jesus said as much to Pilate: were he operating by the principles of this world, he’d have whipped up his followers to do battle. But he wasn’t from here, and thus his response reflected the principles of God-Life.

As followers of Christ, we’re not from here either, not once we’ve accepted citizenship in the realm of God. Oh, we may carry a dual passport, but Home is not this earth or this life. Home is a full, unmediated, unadulterated experience of the presence of God. It’s a place we may visit in our earthly lives, but mostly it’s a reality we are ever moving towards.

The writer to the Hebrews said this of the great heroes of faith, “All of these died in faith without having received the promises, but from a distance they saw and greeted them. They confessed that they were strangers and foreigners on the earth, for people who speak in this way make it clear that they are seeking a homeland." (Hebrews 11:13-14)

It is a tricky spiritual balancing act, to truly love and accept the gifts of this life, yet not get so cozy we forget where we ultimately belong. When we are able to maintain this balance, we are able to love more wholly, less dependently.

What, or who, do you find yourself clinging to in this world? 
How might you move into deeper relationship with your heavenly father/mother in that other realm to which you claim allegiance?
We can start with the practice of prayer. E.T., phone home!

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11-20-18 - What Have You Done?

(You can listen to this reflection here. Sunday's gospel reading is here.)

Some phrases can stop me in my tracks and put me immediately into a defensive mode. One is “What have you done?” I always assume I’m in trouble.

In his trial before Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of the occupied territory of what we now call Israel and Palestine, Jesus is already in trouble. He has been betrayed by a close friend, beaten by the High Priest’s guard, and had the religious authorities call for his execution. This interview with Pilate is one more stop on his way to the cross.

Pilate knows of Jesus’ reputation as a holy man, a miracle-worker. And he knows too well the intrigues and plots fomented in the Temple courts by men on a short Roman leash, with no real power. He is not eager to be a pawn in the latest Jewish squabble. He says to Jesus, 
“Your own nation and the chief priests have handed you over to me. What have you done?”

It is an article of faith for Christians that Jesus was without sin, tempted as we are yet never succumbing. So how did Jesus experience that question? Did shame arise in him?
Did he live with that part of the human condition too?

I can’t know what Jesus felt, but I can imagine what he might have said: “What have I done? I have proclaimed the nearness of God. I have declared freedom to the captives, whether in bondage to disease, sin or poverty – or the Roman occupation. I have healed the sick and cleansed lepers and given sight to the blind, even life to the dead. I have taught that the ways of God run counter to the natural inclinations of the human heart. In God’s realm, we love enemies and do good to those who hate us. We do not seek revenge; we offer forgiveness. I have said, 'Love the Lord your God and your neighbor as yourself.'” No wonder they wanted him dead.

This imaginary recitation reminds me that “What have you done?” can cut both ways. It might invite a litany of confession and repentance. It can also inspire us to take an inventory of all that we have done in Christ’s name to bring healing and wholeness to the world around us, all the ways we have blessed those whom we’ve encountered. In prayer today, you might start such an inventory, a list of all that is holy and blessed in your resume.

One day, we’re told, we will stand before a Judge, one who already knows what we’ve done, for ill and for good. Let’s be ready for both sides of that conversation.

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11-19-18 - Violence and Religion

(You can listen to this reflection here.)

Oh friends, if we want to hide from the pain of the world in the embrace of our religious texts, we will be disappointed this week. We find ourselves smack dab in the middle of a political fight with religious undercurrents – sound familiar? Within a day of the interview at the center of this Sunday’s gospel story, a man revered by thousands will be dead, brutally killed at the hands of the temporal ruler, at the urging of the man’s own religious leaders. His followers will scatter, hiding in terror of being arrested themselves.

No, we can’t get away from blood, power and violence in our Christian story. That intersection is exactly where God’s incarnate Son landed as his mission in this world culminated in his humiliation and execution. But the governor who ordered his death did not want to see him die. He questioned his prisoner closely, hoping to find a loophole that would allow him to save Jesus. Jesus did not make it easy:

Pilate entered the headquarters again, summoned Jesus and asked him, ‘Are you the King of the Jews?’ Jesus answered, ‘Do you ask this on your own, or did others tell you about me?’ Pilate replied, ‘I am not a Jew, am I? Your own nation and the chief priests have handed you over to me.”

This week we wrap up our liturgical year before resetting the clock on the first Sunday of Advent. On this final Sunday in “ordinary time,” we celebrate Christ as King. But the only images the Gospels give us of Christ as king show him as a helpless child, honored by magi; humbled, riding on a donkey; powerless, under arrest and trial; or nailed to a cross. Humble and powerless – is that what kingship looks like for Christ-followers?

I am heartsick at the bloodshed in the world at the hands of religious extremists, and at the collusion of some Christian faith leaders with forces of violence and hatred. This is not the Good News Jesus lived and died to proclaim.

AND I know that Jesus told me to love my enemies and pray for those who destroy others in the name of power. And that his way to prevail in the temporal realm was through humility and powerlessness. The power he exerted was spiritual – a force so strong it could raise the dead, but not discernible to those who refused to see it.

Can we be bold enough to wield that power, given to us through his Holy Spirit? Can we dare to stand against hatred with love, against violence with generosity? That’s what Jesus did – he stood calm in the face of the man who had the power to end his life, and spoke nothing but truth. He walked into death itself and rendered it impotent. That’s how you respond to evil.

God, give us the grace to comfort, to seek justice, to forgive – and to wield love in the power of Christ.

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11-16-18 - Not Drunk, but Praying

(You can listen to this reflection here.)

Hannah’s encounter with the priest Eli in the temple is not a high point of clergy sensitivity. Observing her fervent, but silent prayer as she pours out her heart to the Lord, Eli accuses her of being drunk. But Hannah speaks up for herself, and wins an ally in prayer:

Hannah answered, “No, my lord, I am a woman deeply troubled; I have drunk neither wine nor strong drink, but I have been pouring out my soul before the Lord. Do not regard your servant as a worthless woman, for I have been speaking out of my great anxiety and vexation all this time.” Then Eli answered, “Go in peace; the God of Israel grant the petition you have made to him.”

As hopeless and despairing as she felt, Hannah took her great anxiety to God, voicing her unhappiness, offering her deal, expressing her feelings. She is a model for us in how to pray – with abandon and candor, baring our hearts before the One who knows them better than we do. We don’t have to be polite with God, offering prayers with perfect grammar and syntax. We don’t have to use churchy language or flowery phrases. God wants us to be real, and to come close, to open ourselves to intimacy in the power of his Spirit.

Hannah’s prayer and Eli’s affirmation of it had a discernible effect on her emotional state. She came into a place of peace. The depression broke; she went home and ate, and shared intimacy with her husband. She had no guarantee that her prayer would be answered as she desired, beyond the prophetic words of the priest – it was an act of faith to believe him. She prayed frantically, and went forth faithfully, and in time she did receive the gift she so badly wanted.

What desires are wanting to burst forth from your heart? 
Prayer can be our last response in times of pain or crisis, but there is no downside to praying early and often, and even in public. Yes, being caught up in a spiritual state can cause us to appear inebriated – the same accusation was made of Jesus’ disciples on the Day of Pentecost – but when are unafraid to be our spiritual selves out in the world, we offer a model to others. We share the Good News that we don’t have to stay stuck in our sadness or rage, depression or trauma. We proclaim by our actions that we worship a God of love, a God of healing, a God who responds to our prayers in his perfect time and perfect will – and invites us to align our wills with his. 

The greatest fruit of that alignment is not “getting what we want,” but the gift of perfect peace as we wait in hope. And that is a gift people around you will want you to share.

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11-15-18 - Releasing Our Gifts

(You can listen to this reflection here.)

Yesterday we reflected on birthing and hope. These themes are prominent in this week's story from the Hebrew Bible, the beautiful tale of Hannah and her longing for a baby. In this multi-layered account we find acute observations of marital dynamics, women's rivalry, and faulty communication between loving partners. But chiefly we see a women desperate for the one thing that would validate her in that time and culture – bearing a child into the world.

Hannah is the favorite wife of Elkanah, but she is infertile – as the writer of her story puts it, “the Lord had closed her womb.” Elkanah’s other wife is very fruitful – and jealous:

On the day when Elkanah sacrificed, he would give portions to his wife Peninnah and to all her sons and daughters; but to Hannah he gave a double portion, because he loved her, though the Lord had closed her womb. Her rival used to provoke her severely, to irritate her, because the Lord had closed her womb. So it went on year by year; as often as she went up to the house of the Lord, she used to provoke her. Therefore Hannah wept and would not eat. Her husband said to her, “Hannah, why do you weep? Why do you not eat? Why is your heart sad? Am I not more to you than ten sons?”

There is something touching, if appallingly out of touch, about Elkanah’s belief that his love should alleviate Hannah’s heartbreak at her childlessness. And there is much that is familiar in the bitter interactions between Hannah and Penninah. More painful still is the picture of a family locked into bitter patterns “year by year,” and a woman sliding deeper and deeper into depression. We know Hannah; some of us have been Hannah.

And then she decides to take action. Her action is prayer. Her action is offering to return to God the gift she craves if only he will grant it in the first place: She was deeply distressed and prayed to the Lord, and wept bitterly. She made this vow: “O Lord of hosts, if only you will look on the misery of your servant, and remember me, and not forget your servant, but will give to your servant a male child, then I will set him before you as a nazirite until the day of his death.

Though I don’t encourage bargaining with God, and question if Hannah’s desire for a child was more to remove her shame than for love, I see in her prayer the basis for our life as stewards of God’s gifts: they are not ours to keep. Everything we have is on loan to us, to use, to enjoy, to nurture for growth, but not to keep as our own. That includes our children and spouses as well as our material goods and resources. When we can loosen our grip on what we think is ours, we are freer in relationships, less exploitative, less locked into our own expectations. We become freer to love.

Hannah was willing to offer the male child she would bear to be raised in God’s temple, setting him apart for an ascetic life of service – he becomes the great prophet Samuel. God did not ask that sacrifice of Hannah, and he does not ask it of us. Yet God does want us to be willing to release our gifts into his service, be they people or resources. As you inventory what is most precious to you today, where might you release that gift to bless the community around you?

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11-14-18 - Birthpangs

(You can listen to this reflection here. Sunday's gospel reading is here.)

Our origin story tells us that pain in childbirth is a consequence of human disobedience (Genesis 3:16). Whatever the reason, rare is the birth that occurs without pain or mess. It seems this is also true on a cosmic level, as Jesus describes the end of all familiar things:

“Beware that no one leads you astray. Many will come in my name and say, ‘I am he!’ and they will lead many astray. When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed; this must take place, but the end is still to come. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be earthquakes in various places; there will be famines. This is but the beginning of the birthpangs."

We might look at the state of our world and see these signs – they are all there. But they are always there, in every age. Nation is ever rising against nation; the earth is ever heaving, and famines persist, preventable as they are, had we the will to evenly distribute the food produced globally. And unfortunately, people bearing the name of Christ and misrepresenting his power and message are also common.

So, why bother with these cryptic words of Jesus? They reveal how he interprets such suffering – that it is an inevitable element in the birth of the new age, the new age God is bringing into being, the new age of grace Jesus came to usher in, the new age we are to be revealing in our lives and words and actions. Paul wrote to the church in Rome:

I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory about to be revealed to us…We know that the whole creation has been groaning in labor pains until now; and not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly while we wait for adoption, the redemption of our bodies. For in hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. Who hopes for what is seen? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.

As followers of Jesus, we are called to proclaim hope no matter what the circumstances, hope in the midst of fear and pain and cruelty and suffering, hope in the face of death and destruction of all we hold sacred. Thanks be to God, we don’t live at this precipice most of the time, but we can ever be honing our capacity for hope. That is what the spiritual practices of worship and prayer, study and justice lead us to, hope amid all that we cannot see.

One of the most astonishing claims of our gospels and creeds is that the Son of God himself came into this world through the birth pangs of a young Galilean woman, not in a sanitized hospital room but in the bacteria-filled muck of a stable. You don’t get messier than that. But with that birth, the world turned upside down, and as that baby grew into a man, he proclaimed and demonstrated what this upside down world of God-Life looked like. And he invites us into it. Hope is where we dwell, midwives to the Realm of God that is being birthed, its head crowning, about to take its first breath.

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11-13-18 - When?

(You can listen to this reflection here. Sunday's gospel reading is here.)

The first question most people ask upon hearing that something bad is going to happen – a diagnosis, a job termination, an adverse economic development – is “when?” “How long do I have?” “When did the affair start?” “When is that meteor supposed to hit?” Jesus’ disciples had the same response after he told them that this mighty temple they were admiring would be reduced to rubble:

When he was sitting on the Mount of Olives opposite the temple, Peter, James, John, and Andrew asked him privately, “Tell us, when will this be, and what will be the sign that all these things are about to be accomplished?”

Time is among the things we have least control over in this world; it marches inexorably onward, never back. We hope knowing the timing of things will give us control over them, but it is an illusory sense of power. “Forewarned is for-armed” might be useful in the face of an attack, but does little to alter events in most situations. Knowing when bad things will occur rarely changes the circumstances, but we feel better thinking we understand the timing.

Christ followers are invited into a funny relationship with time. We live within it, bound by its “rules,” while we worship a God who is beyond it, a Lord who is “the same yesterday, today and forever. “ (Hebrews 13:8). The Greek word for earthly time is “kronos,” and for God’s time is “kairos.” We live in both times at once. While we count our minutes and hours and days, living in a kind of bondage to our watches and calendars, we also exist in the eternal present of God-Life, where all things are possible, where we are invited to live in total trust despite our not-knowing.

Part of our spiritual work is to become more comfortable in kairos time while dwelling in kronos. Worship in particular is meant to be a space in which we step into eternal time, not watching the clock, just being. When we’re fully absorbed in an activity that consumes our creativity, what experts call “flow,” we can also experience that timelessness. And we can cultivate that practice – stopping and stepping into prayer or meditation throughout the day, not checking the time when out for a walk or talking with someone, giving our full attention to being present.

The disciples wanted signs so they could be ready. In fact, we’re never ready for the end of the world, though it comes in small ways throughout our lives. When we are seized by the anxious “when?” in any area of our life, we can develop the ability to turn it over to God right in that moment. "Come, Lord Jesus, bring me into your time. Help me trust."

And we can always be ready to experience the presence and peace and power of God’s Spirit, which are already ours by faith, yesterday, today and forever.

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11-12-18 - Built To Last

(You can listen to this reflection here. Sunday's gospel reading is here.)

Don’t go sightseeing with Jesus – as a tour guide, he’d be a bit of a downer. When his disciples, coming out of the great Jerusalem temple, marveled at the size and solidity of its construction, Jesus told them not to get too attached:

As Jesus came out of the temple, one of his disciples said to him, “Look, Teacher, what large stones and what large buildings!” Then Jesus asked him, “Do you see these great buildings? Not one stone will be left here upon another; all will be thrown down.”

What a grand edifice the Jerusalem Temple must have been, rivaling Greek and Roman architecture, as impressive as the great cathedrals of the European Middle Ages or the magnificent temples of the Cambodian jungle. And this was more than a great complex – this was where the holiness of God was said to dwell on earth, the permanent home built by Solomon to replace the tents of meeting and shrines that dotted the Samarian and Judean countryside. It had been standing for some 500 years by the time Jesus and his followers met in its courts, and still it inspired awe.

What must the disciples have thought hearing Jesus’ words. A structure like this, destroyed? Imagine Washington’s National Cathedral crumbled to dust. In 70 BCE, some forty years after Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection, his words came to pass, as the Romans destroyed the great temple and desecrated its grounds. But I don’t think Jesus was about predicting the future. He was redirecting their gaze to the spiritual movements underlying visible ones.

Great buildings invite us to marvel at the human vision and ingenuity and determination (and often exploitation) which brought them into being. They command our focus, even as they make space for the holy. Jesus was inviting his followers, and us, not to mistake the temporal for the eternal. He urged them, and us, to marvel at the spiritual reality coming into being, the new order being birthed out of the old. The human power that brought about the grandeur of the Jerusalem temple is nothing compared to the power of God to create and again restore wholeness to that creation.

Human structures, whether buildings, governing systems, nations or movements, will always be vulnerable to destruction. Even the Church, and certainly churches, will pass away. The only thing truly built to last is the new creation we become and are becoming in Christ.

Our flesh may be as frail and impermanent as a crumbled cathedral. Our spirit, united to God’s Spirit, will live forever, bringing new life into view, until the end of time.

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11-9-18 - Radical Abundance

(You can listen to this reflection here. Sunday's gospel reading is here.)

We've explored giving when you have nothing, when it costs you everything. Today let's look at the more common way we give, out of our excess, out of our abundance.

Ah, but what if we don’t view our circumstances as abundant? What if we’re wired to see scarcity? I daresay it is impossible to grow up in our culture unaffected by the advertising industry, and that industry is fueled by scarcity. “Are you rich enough, are you pretty enough, do you smell good enough, is your car x enough….” (Rarely are we asked to wonder if we’re smart enough.)

Can you think of a crowd in which every hand would go up if you asked, “Do you have enough money in the bank?” Most people would say, “Enough for what? For today, sure. But for the next 25 years? For retirement? Ah, no, never enough…”

Then he called his disciples and said to them, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury. For all of them have donated out of their abundance; but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.”

Trusting in our abundance is inextricably connected to staying rooted in the day we’re in. “Give us today our daily bread,” Jesus taught us to pray. And most of us have plenty in the day we’re in. Jesus invites us not only to trust that we have enough for the day, but to give everything we have, trusting that we’ll also have enough tomorrow.

I once attended a weekend retreat. At noon on the second day, each participant was given a bag stuffed with cards of prayer and encouragement from people at our churches as well as from total strangers. It was overwhelming to realize how many people were praying for me and took the time to write a note. I read a few notes, and decided to save the rest, to parcel out to myself when I got home. I wanted to spread out the affirmation.

But that evening we got another bag, and more the next day, and the day we left. It was unbelievable, the abundance. And still I was going to save most of them – until with the fifth batch it hit me: this is God’s love made tangible. God’s love is abundant. It never runs out. You can’t save it for the next day – you have to receive it all, open it all, read it all, accept it all – or you won't be open to the blessing God may have for you tomorrow. So I opened every single note, by faith, trusting there would be love when I got home too.

It’s the same thing with our money, our food, our time, our love. We don’t have to save them up. We can spend them lavishly, allowing God to bless others through us, and us through others. Radical abundance is God’s gift to us. Radical abundance can be our way of giving. Radical abundance is the road to true joy and freedom.

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11-8-18 - Out of Nothing, Everything

(You can listen to this reflection here.)

Would you invite someone to dinner if you had no food? Who gives when they have nothing? Apparently, that’s what the poor widow in our Gospel story did, as Jesus tells it:

A poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, worth a penny. He called his disciples and said to them, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury. For all of them have given out of their abundance; but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.”

Out of nothing – everything she had. This challenges the notion that you have to have something to give something, that you can only give if you have something left over. What would it look like if people gave whether or not they had anything?

When groups serve meals at shelters, they never ask the guests to give anything – but why not? Why do we assume that, just because they have no home or financial resources, they have no assets to share as human beings? We could ask them to pray for us or with us. We could invite them to help set up or take down the chairs.

What if we invited recipients of charity to give generously as well as receive? I don’t mean that people who come for a meal should sweep out the kitchen. I’m not talking about charging for help we give. I’m suggesting we create a culture of giving even among those who “have nothing,” as a way of fostering wholeness and integrity in community. We’d have a lot more empowered people filling our soup kitchens, and empowered people do a lot better on job interviews.

There is a spiritual principle at work here. We claim that God created the universe ex nihilo, out of nothing. We proclaim that Jesus, who had no earthly goods, poured himself out completely, giving his entire life and spirit to what looked like defeat. And on Easter we trumpet his victory out of nothing, celebrating an empty space, a void, where a corpse was supposed to be. Out of nothing, everything.

Lakota peoples have a tradition of the "give-away" during funerals. Families that are dirt poor will not only feed out-of-towners for funeral rites lasting several days, but will also host a gathering at which each and every guest is given something. The more honored may receive valuable gifts like quilts and beadwork; others might get plasticware from the dollar store, or hand-me-downs. The principle is the same: even in times of loss, even in poverty, we have something to give, and no one goes away empty-handed.

That widow in the temple might have given her last coins because she was out of options, out of strategies – she was casting herself entirely upon God’s mercy. She gave what she had and left herself empty and ready to receive. We all know how to give out of our plenty. Where do you feel you have little or nothing? What would it look like to give from that place? Where is God inviting you to try that?

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11-7-18 - When Less is More

(You can listen to this reflection here. Sunday's gospel reading is here.)

One person puts a $100 bill into the collection plate. The next person puts in 50 cents. Who has given more?

[Jesus] sat down opposite the treasury, and watched the crowd putting money into the treasury. Many rich people put in large sums. A poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which are worth a penny. Then he called his disciples and said to them, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury. For all of them have contributed out of their abundance; but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.”

Sometimes less is more, and more is less. That’s why Christians are encouraged to think about percentages in giving rather than set amounts. Giving a percentage of our income levels the field – the person whose income is $40,000 a year can give at the same level or higher than the one with a six-figure income. In fact, often those who have less to give make proportionally higher donations. Perhaps having less to play with can free us up to take bigger risks.

Indeed, the higher our incomes, the ouch-ier the math can be. Ten percent of $40,000 is $4,000; a goodly sum, but conceivable. But say your income is $200,000 per year; now we’re talking a $20,000 pledge. Heart palpitations set in. Why? Not, I suspect, because we actually need that $20,000 to live on if we’ve got $180,000 left, but because our culture says it’s crazy to give $20,000 to support a religious ministry. Spending $20,000 on a big vacation or a new car is reasonable; giving that away is counter-cultural.

The life of the Christ-follower is meant to be counter-cultural, risky, and exhilarating. We are invited to gratefully enjoy the resources we do have, to live simply and in a way that does little or no harm to our fellow humans and fellow creatures, and to give lavishly, as God has given us. When we’re not so worried about how much we need, we are freer to enjoy what we have. Freedom is God’s desire for us, and a source of infectious joy.

Today let's pray with our calculator and tax returns handy.
Look at your adjusted gross income for last year. Look at your pledge or giving record. 
Do the math. Maybe you’re giving more than 10 percent, maybe less.
Do you feel free? Do you feel joyful? Open-handed?
Do you feel anxious, closed in, put upon? Pray those feelings.

That widow gave it all. Maybe she had nothing left to lose. 
Today I am asking myself, “What do I have to lose?” And whatever the answer is, I pray for the grace to loosen my grip on it, and coast on the winds of the Spirit.

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11-6-18 - Offering

(You can listen to this reflection here. Sunday's gospel reading is here.)

I guess Jesus liked to people-watch, and the temple courts were great places to observe human behavior, good, bad and indifferent. One day he decided to watch people putting their offerings into the temple treasury.

He sat down opposite the treasury, and watched the crowd putting money into the treasury. Many rich people put in large sums. A poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which are worth a penny.

Giving was clearly a very public activity, as it can be today. In some churches the collection of financial gifts takes a whole section of the Sunday service, with an exhortation, an invitation to people to rise from their seats and walk their money to ushers waiting with baskets, a lengthy prayer of blessing over the collection, a counting during the service and sometimes a second offering if the first fell short. Giving is public, expected, and celebrated.

In contrast, many of our mainline churches make as little fuss as possible. Pledges are secret, money or checks are folded so no one can see how much – or how little – was given, and people are often uncomfortable discussing their offerings. The only pageantry is when the offering plates are brought to the altar during the singing of an offertory refrain, and the celebrant raises them heavenward for blessing, as if to say, “Dear Lord, please multiply these like the loaves and the fish…”

Giving is intrinsic to our Christian faith, and one of the most tangible ways we can express our faith and put it into action in the world. Giving is something to be celebrated – that we have something to give, that we’re willing to part with it, that we’re excited to add our money to that of others in our faith community and see what God will make of what we bring. We don’t have to be apologetic about discussing money, handling money, or celebrating money.

If you are a regular church-goer, you’ve probably been sent a pledge card recently and asked to “prayerfully consider” how much you can envision contributing to God’s mission at your church in the coming year. What if that prayer begins with, “Lord, thank you for giving me everything I have. How much do you want me to pledge to see your mission in this world carried forward through my church?” See how God replies!

At my churches our pledge theme this year is “Giving and Growing in Gratitude." We’re encouraging people to give not just out of their excess, but out of their principal, and to give joyfully. Maybe on Harvest Sunday we should put on some dancing music and dance our pledge cards to the altar. Think I can get away with that in an Episcopal church?

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11-5-18 - Vipers and VIPs

(You can listen to this reflection here.)

Next Sunday’s Gospel reading finds Jesus on familiar ground: ragging on the religious leaders. This time it is the scribes who have raised his hackles. He has been in an extended exchange with scribes seeking his learned opinion on several matters – or trying to entrap him. Maybe he’s had enough, for he does not mince words:

As he taught, he said, “Beware of the scribes, who like to walk around in long robes, and to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces, and to have the best seats in the synagogues and places of honor at banquets! They devour widows’ houses and for the sake of appearance say long prayers. They will receive the greater condemnation.”

Jesus doesn’t use the term “vipers” here, as he elsewhere describes Pharisees – but he lambastes these scribes for acting like VIPs. I suppose we’ve all known clergy like this, who take as given their country-club memberships and access to the halls of power. These scribes seem to have expected and exploited the elevated status accorded them as religious leaders. Perhaps the limits on their power, under the ever-present thumb of the Roman occupiers, made them all the more eager to take on airs.

People who have been given the power of high position have extra responsibility to regard themselves as no better than those whom they serve. We all know that, but privilege is very seductive. It is human nature to enjoy, even exploit it.

True humility comes from seeing ourselves as God sees us – as beloved sinners, redeemed royalty, capable of tremendous good and immense damage. When we know how loved we are despite our flaws, we are better able to love others instead of using them to make us feel important. That’s a prayer for today: “Lord God, show me who you see when you look at me.” The answer always surprises.

Tomorrow we will go to the polls and elect leaders to serve us. Everyone who offers herself for elected office, and anyone who exercises his right to vote, would do well to remember Jesus’ advice:

Take the worst seats, greet people with humility before they have a chance to butter you up, seek justice for all people - and keep your prayers short!

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11-2-18 - So They May Believe

(You can listen to this reflection here. Sunday's gospel reading is here.)

How could anyone watch a dead man four days buried walk out of a sealed tomb, and not believe in the power of God? Jesus said that's why he was doing this great work of power, "So that they may believe."

So they took away the stone. And Jesus looked upward and said, “Father, I thank you for having heard me. I knew that you always hear me, but I have said this for the sake of the crowd standing here, so that they may believe that you sent me.” When he had said this, he cried with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!” The dead man came out, his hands and feet bound with strips of cloth, and his face wrapped in a cloth.

Could anyone see this and not believe? Yet soon after this, Jesus himself was executed by people who observed this miracle and did not believe (or perhaps believed to the point of terror...). And a short while after that, Jesus stood among his disciples, himself risen from the dead, and even some of them did not believe. Thomas, whom the writer of John's gospel places with Jesus during the Lazarus story; Thomas, who watched Jesus bring Lazarus back from the dead, is unable on the testimony of others to believe that Jesus is risen. He has to see for himself. And in that story, Jesus says, "Blessed are they who have not seen and yet believe."

Is faith that is ignited by signs and wonders less worthy? I hope not - for Jesus went about doing many signs which brought people to faith, and the book of Acts is full of such wonders. Witnessing the power of God is the beginning of faith for many. I confess that sometimes when I pray for healing, I remind God of the benefit his reputation might enjoy from a positive outcome. (Surprisingly, God has not hired me to be his agent...)

Jesus did invite people to believe based on the signs and wonders he performed, but not to rest there. We go astray when we focus on the signs themselves instead of who they are pointing to. Mature faith endures during times when it is harder to see God's hand in the world about us. That doesn't mean God is less active. It's an invitation to pray for keener faith vision to see how God is all over our lives.

Where do you see evidence of God in your life, in this world?
And where is it hard to find? That's where we pray...

Evidence of God's power can be like the romantic phase of a relationship; it invites us to go deeper into knowing the Other, and allowing ourselves to be known. Finding ourselves known and yet loved can be the most transforming miracle of all, bringing back to life parts of us that have died, inviting us to emerge fully into the light of God’s overwhelming love.

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11-1-18 - Saints Unbound

(You can listen to this reflection here.)

Hearing this gospel story on the day after Hallowe’en may set up some jarring mental images. What did Lazarus look like, emerging from that tomb at Jesus’ command, “Lazarus! Come out!” It’s hard not to summon one of those old-time B movies about mummies coming to life. Here comes this form, wrapped in cloth from head to toe, unable to walk:

The dead man came out, his hands and feet bound with strips of cloth, and his face wrapped in a cloth.

It must have caused pandemonium. Or utter silence. And Jesus didn’t say anything like, “Whew – glad that worked,” or “Welcome back, Lazarus!” He simply said, “Unbind him, and let him go.”

Unbind him. Undo all the work you did to prepare his body for burial. Now you need to prepare him for life, renewed life.
Unbind him. Release him to move freely, to reenter relationships, to fully be who God made him to be.
Unbind him. Set him free forever from having to fear death.

That is the work we are called to as saints in God’s mission of reclaiming, restoring and renewing all of creation to wholeness in Christ. We unbind people from the bondage of poverty and addiction, from the pain of infirmity and broken relationships, from the paralysis of depression and materialism. We unbind structures of injustice and cruelty that hold back people, animals, this creation itself from fully living. We are in the business of releasing the captives, as Jesus has released us. “Unbind her, and let her go.”

Tuesday was the birthday of my older sister Paula, who died in 1996, tightly bound by ailments and addictions. A few months after her death, I was given a picture in prayer of Jesus taking her hand and leading her out of the door of the apartment in which she died. I knew that now she was free from the turmoil that often mitigated the many joys of her earthly life; free to be fully herself, fully the saint she was made to be, with all her uniqueness, her incredible gifts and intelligence and love. She is a saint unbound, fully alive.

That is our invitation too – to become more and more free in this life, released to love and be loved; and in the life to come completely unbound. What a dance of joy that will be!

We may as well start dancing now - it's what all the cool saints are doing.

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