3-9-20 - A Man, a Woman, a Well

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The “Jesus encounter” before us this week is a rich story about a meeting between Jesus and a Samaritan woman on a hot and dusty noontime:

So he came to a Samaritan city called Sychar, near the plot of ground that Jacob had given to his son Joseph. Jacob’s well was there, and Jesus, tired out by his journey, was sitting by the well. It was about noon. A Samaritan woman came to draw water, and Jesus said to her, ‘Give me a drink’. (His disciples had gone to the city to buy food.)

Let’s start with the who/when/where: Here is Jesus, alone. Here is a Samaritan woman, her ethnicity stated to let us know her status as a not-quite-Jew. Samaritans were descendants of Samaria, the original northern kingdom of Israel which, for a time, was united with Judea in the south. But when the leaders in Jerusalem decreed that all worship was to take place in the temple there, and no longer in the many other sacred sites of Israel, a division began which eventually separated Jews from Samaritans. The familial enmity persisted and deepened into a profound suspicion in which Jews considered Samaritans second-class citizens among God’s chosen people.

The time, we are told, is noon. Those with a cultural memory of Westerns, where big gun fights often take place at high noon, might anticipate a clash when we hear “noon” – and certainly we will see some verbal gun play in this encounter. But what might “noon” mean for the writer of John’s Gospel? The time when the sun is highest, when the most light possible shines? The most intense time of the day? A symbol of completeness, the mid-point of the sun’s journey across the sky? What does “noon” evoke for you?

Our location is a well, in a place steeped in the history of Israel, a place the patriarch Jacob had given to his best-beloved son, Joseph. Jacob, remember, was the grandson of Abraham. God blessed him after he spent a night wrestling with an angel. In that struggle, Jacob was given a new name: Israel, which became the name for the nation descended from Jacob twelve sons.

The well might ring other echoes for John’s listeners: in the story of the patriarchs of Israel, at least three matches are made at wells: Abraham’s servant, sent to find a wife for Isaac, meets Rebekah at a well; Jacob meets and falls in love with Rachel at a well; Moses meets his wife at a well.

So, should we expect a love story? Jesus often encounters women in the gospels, sometimes with intimacy – emotional, and even physical in the case of the woman who anoints his feet. This won’t be an encounter of romantic love, but a profound connection will take place.

Today, in your imagination, you might approach that well. Imagine the setting. See Jesus there alone. How do you feel about Jesus being in a place where you expected to be alone? What needs do you bring to this solitary place? What kind of conversation might you have? Let it unfold, and follow where it goes. Write down any conversation.

Place, time, personae – the setting is ripe for something to happen. 
Something always happens when we meet Jesus.

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