10-20-23 - Patriots' Day

You can listen to this reflection here. Sunday's gospel reading is here

Every once in a while, Patriot’s Day – a Massachusetts holiday falling on the third Monday of April – coincides with Tax Day. One year when that happened I thought, "Wow - New Englanders really have it right, honoring the day we file our taxes as the most patriotic day of the year." Turns out it marks some military victories, but for my money, April 15th is the day on which all Americans are invited to celebrate their patriotism. There is nothing more patriotic than investing your resources (mandated or not…) in the future you desire for your country.

When did we allow the national conversation about taxes to become so negative? Public service and tax-paying used to be marks of a good citizen. Taxes are the way a healthy society funds the services, infrastructure and systems of justice that allow its citizens to thrive. Though they can be an instrument of oppression, under fair laws in an open society, taxes are a shared good; it should feel good to participate.

In Jesus’ time perhaps paying taxes to Caesar, the head of the often brutal Roman Empire, might not have been such a happy thing. But for us, who have a great deal of control over our destinies, despite some governmental chaos and corruption, paying taxes can be something to celebrate. I hate paying speeding tickets, but I remind myself they’ll fund some county program that is needed and get over it.

What does this have to do with our spiritual lives, which is why we read Water Daily? Opening up our view of taxes is yet another way to help us release our grip on the money we think is ours. If we can see taxes as an investment in the future of the wider community, perhaps we can more freely share our resources in the community of faith, to fund the ministries through which God is working transformation. Can we loosen our grip and pledge big this season*?

Yesterday we spoke about having dual citizenship in this life. We are residents of this world with all the responsibilities and joys of being members of societies. And we are citizens of the heavenly realm, that already/not yet space of inbreaking power amidst our heart-breaking powerlessness. As long as we’re here, we are invited to invest the gifts God has given us – money, time, privilege and talent – in both realms.

We can love our country and invest in its people and future AND love our God and look forward to our eternal future. When we open our hands to give, it’s amazing how quickly they are filled.

*Members of my congregations can do so here - La Plata or Wayside. Anyone else is welcome too!

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